Grutto Design

Classic Cycling Cap #lowflightspirit

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  • Regular price €24,95
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Mind your head

The classic image, the centuries-old tradition, and the majestic cycling culture captured in one product: the klakske – cycling cap – casquette de coursegorra carreraberretto da gararadmütze.

This OneSizeFitsAll cycling cap is perfect for anyone who takes themselves a little seriously on the bike, but also for anyone who wants to be seen seriously on the bike. It’s about embracing a piece of cycling culture and a connection to the cycling past.

Back to the days when riding without a helmet was the norm. At that time, the cycling cap was worn for protection against the elements (not the asphalt or cobblestones). Today, the classic cap still provides protection against the elements, but now under the thankfully normalized helmet.

Manjefieke?! In Frisian, this is also known as a verdeelstuk (a divider). A divider? It's the connection of ‘...’ two or more things. This classic cycling cap is a connection between cycling culture and its history to the current love for the sport. And why Frisian? Even though the population of the Black-Tailed Godwit is decreasing in Fryslân, they can still be spotted in the meadows. Hence, Manjefieke and not Magnifique.


  • 65% Polyester
  • 35% Cotton
